Instructor and self-taught developer “RealTough” Candy (RTC) has launched a new software development learning platform. Rather than focus on raw coding skills, provides practical, real-world video courses on relevant topics such as getting a job in web development, revamping portfolios, UX/UI for web developers, and navigating challenging setbacks in the workplace. is a platform for learning and applying software development processes so developers can level up, land a job and get a raise. So rather than learning to code, this platform will bridge the gap between raw skills and practical application.
“There are enough JavaScript courses available for every human on the planet. I wanted to create something different,” says founder RTC. offers real-world instruction students can implement immediately. Courses address skills and abilities that are often overlooked on other platforms such as starting a freelance career, practical technologies used on the job, and transforming cookie-cutter portfolio projects.
More information can be found at:
These video-based courses also feature projects, assignments, interactive quizzes with detailed explanations, and other relevant materials.
In addition to courses, there are diverse resources available to students. This includes office hours for student support, a Discord community, blog and more. Royalty-free photos and videos are available to all monthly and yearly platform members.
New courses and relevant content will be released every 4 months. also offers additional services such as one-on-one 90-minute consultations with RTC. These are geared exclusively towards developers who need to improve their portfolio. Consultations address portfolio layout, projects, strengths and weaknesses, branding and more.
Complete details of all services available can be found by visiting
“As a self-taught software developer, I understand the challenges my students face,” says RTC. “I created this platform to help developers level up, land a job and get a raise.”