- Adrian codeadrian.github.io/
The site is built with Jekyll, uses some minimal JS, and it’s PWA. - Shailesh shaile.sh/resume/
My landing page is under construction, but in the meantime my resume page is sort of my main portfolio - Garv garvnanwani.netlify.app/
- Vinay vinaybharti.netlify.app/
- Bobby ebook.bobby.sh/
This is the site that I built to showcase my open-source eBook and participate in the DigitalOcean and DEV Hackathon - BezPowell pinopticon.net/cv/
I’ve recently added a CV section to my personal site and have been doing some work to try and improve the performance / accessibility across the site. It’s a bit light on content still, but I would definitely appreciate some feedback. - Lesley lesleylai.info/
It is built with Gatsby. I am not focusing on frontend web dev so my website probably looks a lot lamer compare to some other people. - Panagiotis panagiotis.netlify.app/
- Micah micahlindley.com
It’s slightly outdated as far as content goes, but I’ve worked hard on the design side. - Ghazi codewithghazi.com
- Goyal amangoyal.ml
Note: I’m backend developer and front end Is not my strong suit. Thus, I’m working on show casing my backend skills. This portfolio is about me being able to control a major part of my site from an admin panel. For now, I am using a template customised to my needs.
PS: It is work in progress. - Cristian crispaulcastaneda.ml/
I just get stuck in from the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, because of learning deep-diving into advanced programming (Still on JS). - Cesar https://canro91.github.io/
- Gabriele www.gawema.com
I made a simple resume page in plain vanilla back when I was looking for an internship.
There is a simple terminal to make things a bit more fun but I still need to add a section with my most recent projects. - Nikki nikkipeel.com
Just a simple dark themed Bootstrap site with a carousel for projects and sidebar navigation on large screens. - Matt mattjarrett.dev
- Vaishnav vaishnavs.netlify.app
- Rajitha rizkyrajitha.xyz/
- Edward edwardallen.de
- Swastik https://swastikgowdal.github.io/SwastikGowda-Portfolio/
- tkhadir libkhadir.fr/
- Abhishek theabbie.github.io
- Ismail ismailtoyran.com/
Features: Localization, Theme Switch (light mode not complete), Jamstack, PWA, Form with Captcha via Sendgrid, React, Next.js, Headless CMS (Contentful), Redux, GSAP for animations and vercel for Deployment. Would love to improve if you have any tips. I always look for Performance Improvements. - Azamat azamatumirzakov.github.io/portfolio/
it is in russian, but html code is in english, hope you understand every block’s meaning! - Georgey
https://geobrodas.github.io/personalPortfolioSitev2/ - Antony antoprince001.github.io/
- Yar ptifur.digital
- Sayantan sayantannandi.herokuapp.com/
- Hamza hamza-ejaz.netlify.app
- Shafi shafi.ml
- Mohammad mshifreen.com
- Monikinderjit monikinderjit.firebaseapp.com/#/
- Jonathan portfolio-jonathan-v2.herokuapp.com/
This is my 2nd portfolio, (Use the switch to change between spanish and
english) thanks in advance 🙂 - Abhinava itsabhinav.me
- Amit devchops.tech
I built it with Gatsby and Netlify ☺️ - Medupi auggur.io/medupi/
These is two websites I built that I’m yet to add
zoneincorporations.co.za/ - Milton miltonchung.com/
- Anish anishansari.com.np/
- Komal komal-sharma-2712.github.io
- Pt. Prashant Https://ptprashanttripathi.github.io
- Cyril alphadevop.co
- Bihan bihan-chakraborty.web.app
- Charanjit charanj.it
- Pourya pourya7.com
- Laurell laurellmccaffrey.com/
- Michael michaelgrigoryan.com/
I used bare HTML, CSS and JS cause I didn’t want to use any framework - Rajat rajatm.netlify.app/
- Nikhil nikhilmwarrier.github.io
- Krish devkrish.tech
Made with React. - Yungaddy griffsportfolio.netlify.app/
- Hussein husseinkizz.netlify.app
- Brendan brendanleighton.com/
- “Portfolio X” (explicit URL)
- David davidcobbina.com
- Alin alinclimente.tk
- Anthony anthonyvittoria.com
- Anipam https://anupammondal.in/
- Mbenga jeremymonatte.fr/
I’m a french guy, so the texts are in …. french - George Ndirangug.github.io
- Jan https://jkrzeptowski.pl/en
Email submissions: - Noel https://noeljohnson.live
Its mainly for a mobile use but its not bad on desktops too. - Raashid https://www.kubo.co.in/
I would love to get a second eyes for anything in terms of design or usability. - Muhammad https://sameer.cybologic.com
- Ivana https://festive-goldberg-debb7e.netlify.app/
- Okoye https://chuckzokoye.com
- Kamrul https://tutul.netlify.app/
- Elvisben https://elvisben.me.ke/
- Nimish https://nmd2611.netlify.app
Discord submission - https://joshuatauro.netlify.app/